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Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I am trying to get pregnant.

Yes. I am trying. Eh, WE are trying. 'We' means my husband and I. Duh.

Anyway, I don't know that it would be so hard to get pregnant. Before this, all I know was if you make love (sex) with someone, then you gonna be popping babies 9 months later. I mean, it sure looks easy in the movies..! *sigh*

I am literally exhausted researching ways to conceive. It's only been 5 months after I got married, but people around have been continuously asking if my tummy is bulging because of there's someone inside (Amen). To make things worse, my tummy is reallyyy am bulging. It's like my tummy is angry at me for not exercising, and because of that, for every 100 calories I ate, I will gain 100 gm of fats.

I don't even know that there's some position in making love that can increase the chances of getting pregnant. Wow. Or there's some certain days in a month that have higher chances to get conceive (cause there's some days I am really fertile). Choices of food also affect woman's fertility. Wow! I'm lacking knowledge of everything.

I hope I get pregnant soon. It's heartbreaking to see my husband sad. I know he wants baby more than me. Sometimes when I pray, I said "God, I know that I said that I hope You bless us with children in Your time, but can You make it faster?". Haha. I know it's wrong to ask for something like that, but yeah, I kinda need one right now.

There's this symptom which if a woman really wants to get pregnant, her body will react and give indication that she is pregnant. She will get nausea, morning sickness, backache and sometimes feel movement in her belly.

I am so afraid if I get that. I think I did get that last month *sad face*. I mean nausea and vomiting. Shit. I'm getting crazy. CRAZY. So for this month, I keep on telling myself that I should be sane during this period. I should only check myself after 1 week after my period is due (last month my period late 2 days which is heartbreaking. I even talk to my tummy!)

I really hope that this month I'm going to get pregnant. I hope the little sperm didn't get lost in my VJJ since it's a maze down there; or run out of focus (I mean forgot why they are there). I sometimes forgot why I'm doing certain activity in the middle of doing it. I hope they don't share that trait. Haha.
