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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tips To Woo Your Crush~


I'm not a master in this, but I did try some of the tips, and it work. 98%, it will work.

Forget about those tips you have to look pretty whenever you see him,or know how to cook,bla bla bla. I did those, and what did I get? Crappy dude who just want to play with me. Instead, be a BITCH. Not a Hooker-Bitch, but I-have-my-rights-Bitch.

1. Family
If you can, don't meet his family until you got engaged, or you've been together for 2 years or more. Less Christmas Gathering is better. It's not that you don't like them, but take your time. You will meet them for the rest of your life later. And don't bring him to meet your family either. WAIT.

2. His Hobby
Be on your ground. Don't simply like basketball (when you never like before) just because of him. But don't be so honest too telling him 'Basketball is a stupid game' or etc. Instead, make him like your hobby.

3. Lovey-Dovey
Yes. Be lovey-dovey whenever needed. Guys love to be pampered. But don't be a slave to him. Man nowadays don't want stupid girls to be their long-time-darling. And don't 'merajuk sampai gila' too. Merajuk for a while is cute, but many time and all the time? Hey look, he's running saying goodbye.

4. Time
If he's late for a date maybe for 1 hour,just leave and say you got work to do. Play hard to get. Don't be stupid waiting for him. It means your time is cheap. It means you're own by him when you innocently waiting for him. But if he's late for several minutes, don't be an angry monster because sometimes he really have things to do. If he call you after 10pm, don't accept. Just text him the next morning, " I sleep at 10pm, call me before I sleep" (it works). You will gain some respect sista..! If he reply your text late, reply him late too. Monkey see, monkey do. Just do the same.

Guys have ego. So don't simply pay something if he want to pay. Respect the mindset of a guy that he can support a woman and protect a woman.

6. Flattery
If he have nice cars, don't simply say 'I love your car'. He thinks you like him because of his car. Instead, after he send you home, just say " Thanks for sending me, I enjoy myself tonight". Never-ever look at his car while saying that. He will feel appreciated.

7. Showing some weakness
Guys LOVE to be the Hero of a story. So sometimes, you have to show them you're weak even when you're not. For instance, you can't open the cover of a bottle(shows that you're weak), and then he open it for you. After that you say "Thank's! Thank goodness you're here :)" He will feel like he's the Hero. O wow!

8. Pretty
No matter how pretty you are, or how much make-up you wear, it doesn't make him anymore loving you. I make myself hell pretty for someone last time, and he end up feeling bored. He cheat on me and hook up with someone prettier than me. He leaves her for another pretty girl. Conclusion? Being pretty is not the key. Play hard to get.  You will feel proud parading your car that you buy on your own money than the car that your mom bought for you. Right? So be expensive.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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